We Have a Cool Idea for an Internet Platform, but We Need a Business Model To Go With It.


Increased Likeliness of Scale

Prototyped a new content operations model that decreased cost and scalability of UGC content.

Redefined Business and Product Strategy

Realigned addressable market and increased likelihood of scale and sustainability.

 Enhanced Definition of User Needs and Fit

Implemented a strategic alignment with user needs and feature/function sets.

Challenge & Opportunity

This project was a unique and weird case for us. Shortly after sourcing a wild and unstructured data set, CNTRD began the process of data modeling for analysis, insights, and strategy design. Starting with market segmentation and fit, we used a rapid prototyping process to test data assumptions.

Additionally, CNTRD used the newly structured data set to redefine business strategy, product-market fit, content operations, and launch strategy. The Tell’s CEO strongly disagreed with our data sourcing process, data interpretation, and application. We stood by our methodology, ethics, strategic recommendations, and partners. CNTRD fired the client for “bad behavior” witnessed during and after two innovation sprints.